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Action for executing a deposit of an ERC20 to L2.

import { useWriteDepositERC20 } from 'op-wagmi'

const { writeDepositERC20 } = useWriteDepositERC20()

return (
    onClick={() =>
        args: {
          l1Token: '0xbe9895146f7af43049ca1c1ae358b0541ea49704',
          l2Token: '0x2Ae3F1Ec7F1F5012CFEab0185bfc7aa3cf0DEc22',
          to: '0x968Bb4fF2482ff56Af1255019d5b955510A1159e',
          amount: 1n,
        l2ChainId: 8453,
    Deposit ERC20



Config | undefined

Config to use instead of retrieving from the from nearest WagmiProvider.

Return Value


(variables: WriteDepositERC20Parameters, { onSuccess, onSettled, onError }) => void

The mutation function you can call with variables to trigger the deposit.

  • variables

    • args


      The contract address of the token on L1.


      The contract address of the token on L2.


      The address to deposit the tokens to.


      The amount to deposit.

      • minGasLimit (optional)


      The minimum gas limit to use for the deposit transaction.

      • extraData (optional)


      Extra data to include in the transaction.

    • l2ChainId


      The chain ID of the chain you want to deposit to.

  • options (optional)

    • onSuccess

      (data: WriteContractReturnType, variables: WriteDepositERC20Parameters, context: TContext) => void

      This function will fire when the mutation is successful and will be passed the mutation's result.

    • onError

      (error: WriteContractErrorType, variables: WriteDepositERC20Parameters, context: TContext | undefined) => void

      This function will fire if the mutation encounters an error and will be passed the error.

    • onSettled

      (data: WriteContractReturnType | undefined, error: WriteContractErrorType | null, variables: WriteDepositERC20Parameters, context: TContext | undefined) => void

      • This function will fire when the mutation is either successfully fetched or encounters an error and be passed either the data or error
      • If you make multiple requests, onSuccess will fire only after the latest call you've made.


(variables: WriteDepositERC20Parameters, { onSuccess, onSettled, onError }) => Promise<WriteContractReturnType>

Similar to writeDepositERC20 but returns a promise which can be awaited.

  • variables

    • args


      The contract address of the token on L1.


      The contract address of the token on L2.


      The address to deposit the tokens to.


      The amount to deposit.

      • minGasLimit (optional)


      The minimum gas limit to use for the deposit transaction.

      • extraData (optional)


      Extra data to include in the transaction.

    • l2ChainId


      The chain ID of the chain you want to deposit to.

  • options (optional)

    • onSuccess

      (data: WriteContractReturnType, variables: WriteDepositERC20Parameters, context: TContext) => void

      This function will fire when the mutation is successful and will be passed the mutation's result.

    • onError

      (error: WriteContractErrorType, variables: WriteDepositERC20Parameters, context: TContext | undefined) => void

      This function will fire if the mutation encounters an error and will be passed the error.

    • onSettled

      (data: WriteContractReturnType | undefined, error: WriteContractErrorType | null, variables: WriteDepositERC20Parameters, context: TContext | undefined) => void

      • This function will fire when the mutation is either successfully fetched or encounters an error and be passed either the data or error
      • If you make multiple requests, onSuccess will fire only after the latest call you've made.

The rest of wagmi's useWriteContract return type (except writeContract and writeContractAsync).